“Charlie Charlie Game,” an urban gaming/internet legend with sudden and inexplicable popularity, topped global social media charts this weekend after roaming the Spanish-language Internet. this is a new youth tune that falls somewhere between an Ouija board and a cootie catcher. It went viral under the hashtag-friendly name #CharlieCharlieChallenge.

Then place one pencil on a line and balance the other pencil vertically above it. Say, “Charlie, Charlie, are you there?” When Charlie “answers” by turning the top pin toward one of the north points like a compass, you can ask more questions.

Why is it popular again now?

It’s always hard to tell why these things trend, but the latest bubble started in late April in the Dominican province of Hato Mayor when a local television news station aired a very alarming (and unintentionally funny) report. The game went beyond local schools.

Since then, social media users in the Dominican Republic have started tweeting, Instagramming, and bragging about the game; In mid-May, the phrase “Charlie Charlie” was trending on Dominican Twitter, a little different from the rest of the Spanish-speaking Internet.

Charlie Charlie Game Real or Fake

What is the Charlie Challenge and where does it come from?

The Charlie Challenge – or its variants, known as the Pencil Game or Charlie Pencil – has been around for some time. The game is claimed to be an ancient Mexican tradition, but there is no trace of it on the internet, it appears to have existed for years before it started this week.

To play the game, take a piece of paper and draw two lines on it to make a cross. Write “Yes” in the upper right and lower left corners and “No” in the remaining two corners.

Where does this game come from?

There are two layers to why children play Charlie Charlie: what they think it means and where it comes from. Competing legends say that Charlie is a dead Mexican child, a Mexican demon or pagan deity mixed with the Christian devil, or the victim of a violent crime.

Charlie Charlie Game


Who is Charlie in the horror game?

The old description of the game states that Charlie is an “ancient ghost”. And in the store, she is said to have the ability to penetrate dimensions through her images.

Charlie, what does the Charlie game look like?

The game is simple: create a grid by writing “yes” and “no” in boxes on a piece of paper, balancing one pencil on the other in a cross shape, and asking something along the lines of “Charlie, Charlie.” “Are you here?” or “Charlie, can we play?”

Written by Patna Motihari

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