Blind Frog Ranch

Blind Frog Ranch is a Discovery Network television series that premiered in 2021. The series follows Duane Olinger, owner of a 160-acre ranch in eastern Utah, and his search for buried treasure. Agricultural legend says that Aztec gold is hidden in the mountains of Utah and that those who find it go into their lands and build underground canals.
The series is a combination of documentary, action, reality, and adventure film genres. It includes scientists, physicists, geologists, and NASA scientists. The Blind Frog Ranch outpost is located on Main Street in Vernal, Utah, not far from the ranch featured in the series.
Blind Frog Ranch

What is Blind Frog Ranch?

Discovery Channel’s new hit show Blind Frog Ranch has started airing its first season (2021) and fans are being treated to another TV show. The investigative team follows a team of diggers led by Texas oil millionaire Duane Olinger, including his son Chad and his friends “Charlie Boy” and Eric Drummond.
The team has already made great discoveries, but terrible legends hang over their heads. Skinwalkers threaten them, so they regret having property so close to the Skinwalker Ranch. [1] Local residents believe that Blind Frog Ranch, almost adjacent to Skinwalker Ranch, contains valuable treasure. The place is surrounded by 7 underground caves and spread over 160 hectares.
The show’s second season focused more on the team’s attempt to retrieve an Aztec gold chest from a flooded cave, encountering dangerous gases in the thrilling season finale. From December 2022, there are rumors of a third season confirmed by the form’s Instagram account. No official announcement has been made yet and the show has lost its annual slot.
However, it was announced that the third season was delayed due to “unusual weather” and problems with the Discovery Channel. In season three, the team goes into a cave, finds a meteorite, and picks up gold. success
Blind Frog Ranch

Highlights of Blind Frog Ranch

  • Chad and Duane Explore a Cave: Chad and his team discover an ancient pile of rocks known as a cave, which was used in ancient civilizations to mark the location of hidden treasure.
  • Duane and Chad Use Dynamite: Duane and Chad hire dynamite experts to blow up the cave entrance.
  • Tests performed to determine whether a box is Aztec: Tests performed to determine whether a box is Aztec.
  • Save A spy camera threatens the farm. Save A spy camera threatens the farm.
  • Save Chad makes a dangerous dive.
  • Invaders Attack the Farm: Suit jumpers attack the farm.
  • Save Oscar Exercises Beyond His Limits: Oscar exercises beyond his limits but continues to react.
  • EDX with a scanning electron microscope: EDX with a scanning electron microscope is used to detect iridium, which means it does not occur naturally on this planet.

Blind Frog Ranch


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Written by Patna Motihari

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