Is Kauliy Scam or Legit

Buyers can read all the important details of an item to find out if it Is Kauliy Scam or Legit, giving you a clear idea of ​​the domain’s worthiness.

Are you looking for Halloween sales? Here we are talking about websites that provide Halloween costumes. This website is popular among buyers in the United States. But traders want to inquire whether this is a Kouli scam or a legitimate scam.

Thus, in the discussed topic, we will study all its important points to ascertain its merits. Let’s continue reading the following material. is a valid domain-

  • The domain is 2 months 2 days old and was uploaded on 08/10/2022. was made
  • The number of domain trusts is 2%.
  • Its developer has not specified a valid mobile number or phone number.
  • The creator of the domain did not mention any physical address of the store.
  • We have not followed the social media logo on its official page or any other page.
  • The domain is ranked #2633523 on the global ranking platform.
  • Are repeat buyers after Couli reviews? No
  • Development hides the name of the domain holder.
  • Separate pages are created to read each policy.
  • We have a 14 day return policy.
  • Reimbursement is applicable, but only after due verification.

What is Is Kauliy .com? is the fastest online shopping platform for Halloween merchandise. At Domain, you can buy hoodies, jackets, bottoms, coats, t-shirts and more. The products are available in various Halloween designs that make you stand out from the crowd.

Here, you’ll find a variety of costumes that will make your Halloween special, but before you invest a penny in it, it’s important to know whether Kouli is a scam or legit.

Specifications of –

  • Domain Type – The domain is classified as an active textile industry.
  • Variety of accessories – all T-shirts, bottoms etc. Halloween prints.
  • Domain -10/08/2022 . has been prepared
  • Domain will expire on 08/10/2023
  • Domain URL –
  • Email ID – [email protected]
  • Call back – contact number is missing.
  • Official Address – This is not specified on the domain
  • Transport policy – 7-15 days.
  • Delivery Time – It uses UPS and DHL to ship your order.

According to Kauliy reviews, read its ROI-

At the estate, you can find a variety of Halloween costumes.

Disadvantages of Domains-

Physical address and contact number are missing.


The field of e-commerce is underdeveloped and lacks many details. We did not receive a single review due to the absence of his social media webpage.


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Written by Patna Motihari

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