ACNH Art is Real or Fake

Jolly Red has returned to ACNH Art: New Horizons, bringing furniture and art with her. Red’s boat will contain four different artifacts (as well as two pieces of regular furniture). Like previous games, Raid will sell real artifacts (which can be donated to museums) and fake artifacts (which cannot be donated). Below we will explain to you how to spot a fake.

You can only buy one of the four artworks on display, so choose carefully. Based on our experience, all four artifacts can be fake. It is also possible that Red is selling more than one piece of real art. The museum has 43 artifacts to discover and donate, including nameplates.

Donate the first piece of art to Blathers and he will talk about opening an art exhibition. The next day the museum will be closed for renovation work. After the next day, the museum will open with an art exhibition and your island will be raided on random days.

ACNH Art is Real or Fake

Where can I find Animal Crossing New Horizons Art?

Before the raid arrives, you need to talk to Blathers and tell them about the idea of allowing the art. According to Ninji’s data mine, this happens when you deposit at least 60 donations (fish, insects, or fossils) to the museum. The day after Blathers talks about art, Isabelle will warn you about shady art dealers in her morning announcements.

Like other island traders like Kicks and Flick, Red’s boat will float on random days. We’re not sure if there are any requirements to unlock Red’s Boat (eg the Resident Services tent must be upgraded before it can move into the building, or a certain amount must be donated to the museum).

Red can also be added as a merchant in Harvey’s Island Plaza for 100,000 bells. When he gets here he will have two random pieces of art that can be either fake or real. At Harvey Island you can still only buy one portion per day. Based on our testing, once purchased, the piece you purchased will be replaced the next day with a new, random piece of art. If you never buy any part featured on Redd, the inventory will be updated on Monday.

ACNH Art is Real or Fake

What do I do with Animal Crossing New Horizons Art?

Art can be donated to a museum as long as it is original. It can also be used as a common piece of furniture for display in your home. If it is a statue, it can be placed anywhere on the island.

If you buy a fake, Timmy and Tommy don’t want to buy it either. When you no longer need it, you must dispose of it using the “Trash” furnishing item. Or you can just show it off and fool your nerdy friends.

How to tell which raid artifacts are real and which are fake

All of Red’s artworks are based on real-world paintings and sculptures. But a clever fox might try to sell you a fake that looks just like the real thing. Each fake has a clear difference from the real version.

Red has stepped up his game this time around and his art is pretty hard to distinguish from the original versions. Keep in mind that the difference between real and fake isn’t the same as in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and it’s harder to spot.

ACNH Art is Real or Fake

How many original artworks can Red sell per day?

When Red Animal Crossing: New Horizons comes to your island, he may sell 0 to 4 real artifacts! Yes, that’s right – he may not have any real art to sell, and may be a complete waste of time. This is useless.

On the other hand, Red can also sell multiple real artifacts, even if you can only buy one. In this case, follow our advice in the multiplayer section above.

How many raid artifacts can you buy per day?

Every time Red comes to your island on his boat, you can only buy one piece of art per day. If you buy one, Redd will ship it to you the next day. So don’t expect to find it in your bag.

While you can buy a piece of art yourself, other characters can also buy one. In addition to distant visitors in the online multiplayer mode, this also includes other players who live on their island. Yes, your friends can come and buy art too!


Written by Patna Motihari

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