99 Dollar Social Job Reviews

Please see the 99 Dollar Social Job Reviews article to explain the legitimacy of the company. Read on to know more.

Have you ever heard of $99 Social Work? Do you want to know the details of the company? Are you curious about the legitimacy, trust score, and many other details related to the company? Then read the written article to clear your doubts about the trustworthiness of the company.

$99 SocialJobs is a jobs provider in the United States. The company has been serving the country for ten years. Let’s get to know the details of the company with these $99 social job reviews.

Validity details.

  • Customer Reviews: The company has received reviews on its official website. We can find reviews on the official website and other reliable websites that give it a good rating of 4+. Also, find some reviews on social sites and they are almost all positive.
  • Age of the Website: The age of the portal is more than ten years. (Date of Preparation: 25 March 2012)
  • Website Trust Score: The website has an excellent trust score from customers. The confidence rate is 80%.
  • Ranking in Alexa: The website has achieved an Alexa ranking of 329543.
  • Social Media Connection: The portal is connected to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
  • We can find legitimate sites from the reviews above, but there is much more to explore. Valid $99 Social Work Let’s turn to the question for clarification.

Description of the $99 Social Employment Service.

It is a low-cost social media platform and digital marketing browser. The company was founded in 2012 and serves North America. Still, the company has served over 1500 customers in its ten years of existence.

The company employs full-time content editors who specialize in two languages, English and Spanish. The company accepts client questionnaires and assigns content to experts. They will research the client’s company and create articles and blog posts on the $99 social job review site that will help attract a larger audience.

Before concluding with the service review let’s describe the pros and cons of the company.


  • The company offers businesses an affordable price to choose plans for their professional positions. There is a $99 per month plan for short-form posts on various social media posts.
  • If the client is not satisfied with the work, the company will give you a 14-day return policy.
  • The company may choose the timing of social media posts. If they don’t mention it, they will post between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm.

$99 cons based on social review

Society does not accept posts on special occasions or on topics of necessity. You should appeal within seven to ten days.
The company does not offer free service to customers to view posts and will have to pay an additional $49 per month.
We have shared with you the advantages and disadvantages of the business and some specific details of the business. Based on the trust score and reviews on other sites, the site looks legit.

Note: All the information available in the article is taken from the web.


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Written by Patna Motihari

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