Ryml.me scam

Have you received a Ryml.me scam SMS claiming Royal Mail delivery, parcel? Is Ryml.me text scam or legit? Read this review to know why you should be wary of such texts.

What is Ryml.me scam text?

Ryml.me scam texts are deceptive texts sent by scammers to obtain your personal information so that they can use it to defraud you. They appear as text when you check purchases, offer prices, or ship packages. Phishing text has nothing to do with Royal Mail and contains links that you are asked to click. However, these are links created by scammers to obtain personal information from unsuspecting people.

Ryml.me scam text contains viruses, spyware, malware which are harmful to the device and can hack and destroy the device.

Verifying anything through a mechanism other than “directly logging into the site with your credentials” is still a scam.

No one does this business. it’s not necessary. The site you normally log into has all the support you need to double check if you really need it.

Never click on links in an email – they are fake, plain and simple. Type the URL yourself to confirm where you’re going.

The best thing to do when you receive such a text is to block and delete the sender.

The content of this Ryml.me scam is being discussed on Reddit.

If you receive a suspicious email, text message, phone call or visit a Royal Mail branded website that you believe to be fraud, please report it to [email protected].

  • For suspicious emails, forward the email to [email protected], don’t click on any links or attachments, then delete them from your inbox.
  • For suspicious text messages, please send us a screenshot of the message at [email protected].
  • For suspicious calls or websites, please include the phone number or website address in the body of the email.
  • You will also find other similar texts as they come in different forms, it is in your own interest not to click on them, just delete them and tell others not to fall prey to them.


We have collected valid data as per our research results. Do you have questions about Ryml.me scam? Then you can ask us in the comment section.

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Written by Patna Motihari

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