Bimoli 50th Anniversary Detail:- Hello friends and welcome to our official website In today’s post, we will provide an article about a cooking oil product brand based in Indonesia named Bimoli.
You can listen to or watch the online Bimoli 50th Anniversary from the Android app. Today I am going to share the most wanted item and give information about Bimoli 50th Anniversary.
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Do you know Bimoli? What is the brand related to? When was Bimoli launched? Is Bimoli celebrating its 50th anniversary?
All these questions are being discussed on the internet. Bimoli is a brand of cooking oil products in Indonesia. Recently, a post on a social media platform promoted the brand that the company has completed its 50th anniversary.
He further said that the company rewards its customers. Check out this Bimoli 50th Anniversary article to the end to find out the truth behind this ad!
What is Bimoli?
As we have already revealed in our introductory paragraph, Bimoli is an Indonesian brand that specializes in cooking oil products. Searching for details, this is a registered trademark for cooking oil products manufactured and owned by PT Salim Evomas (SIMP).
PT Group IndoFood Successes McMurray and Indo-Agri are trademark owners. The company is known for running underdeveloped oil palm plantations with the aim of increasing crude oil production.
The company started in 1968 and has been serving customers with its quality products ever since.
Bimoli’s 50th Anniversary:
From the details available, we can conclude that the company was started in 1968 and completed 4 years in 2022. But, recently, social media accounts posted an update that the company is celebrating its 50th birthday.
Compared to its launch date, this post is a rumor. This information is disseminated by Bimoli on foreign websites.
The message also states that the gift for this 50th anniversary is a limited stock of 5000 pieces and customers can claim it for free. He also mentioned a quiz at Bimoli’s 50th birthday party which won him Rs 2,000,000.
What is the truth behind this post?
We need to go deeper to know the facts behind this advertisement and based on our research, we can say that this information is false and not transmitted by the official Bimoli company.
He asked them to beware of any message that would lead their customers to fraudulent websites.
The reality behind this post is revealed by Bimoli’s official Instagram post that everything is a lie and the company does not plan to offer such Bimoli on its 50th anniversary.
Bimoli is a well-known brand for cooking oil products and has been offering high-quality products to its customers since 1968. In 2022, the brand will be 54 years old.
Our experts have carried out a detailed investigation and we have verified that the information circulating on the internet on the occasion of the 50th anniversary is false. Have you found all your answers to fake Bimoli ads on the internet?
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